What is lynotherapy?
Lynotherapy is a complementary modality that aims at reducing restrictions in fascial tissue in order to restore movement and function. Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue beneath the skin primarily made up of collagen that surrounds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre and muscle and holds them in place, providing structure for the body. It also has nerve endings that make it almost as sensitive as skin.
Lynotherapy is a non invasive technique that includes a full body assessment to ascertain the source of the restriction and a mobilization of the soft tissue in functional lines to restore natural movement.
It does not treat pathology or acute injury as such but if you have become injured for no apparent reason or if you keep getting injured repeatedly, the Lyno assessment may shed some light on the possible biomechanical causes of the symptoms and the realignment techniques assist in rebalancing the body. It is also useful for postural dysfunction where bad movement patterns have developed over time e.g sitting poorly at a desk.
It is beneficial for both adults and children. In fact, children often respond very well as their dysfunctional patterns are not as deeply ingrained.
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